Monday, June 21, 2010


So, everyone, I GRADUATED!!!

I am officially ALUMNI! =]

I had so much trouble speaking after I graduated, too, it was rather entertaining. I don't remember what I was saying but instead of 'graduated' I said 'graduating'...and other stuff like that. Not like my uncle who intentionally said 'Ya! Gradiated Girl!'. Haha, I love my uncle.

So, graduation. So amazing.

I arrived at the school (our graduation was held on the football field of another high school...our schools share that field for games), and went into the gym. FILLED with students in dark blue caps and gowns. I was nervous, and I was a little sad because I was looking at all these people that I didn't know and probably wouldn't see for a very long time. I'm kind of sad that I didn't got to Grad Night, either, but I won't tell my mom that.

It came time for us to line up and nerves and excitement coursed through me. We left the gym in our two separate lines and went into our two separate locker rooms. Entering on the field together in two separate lines. I spotted a group of my family and friends watching me. Dad, Mom, Boyfriend, Aunt, Cousin, Uncle. I was actually surprised that my aunt and cousin had come on such short notice, I'd called them only two days before. And I hadn't seen either of them in YEARS. So that was great.

We walked onto the field, and stood in front of our seats. The National Anthem was played and then the class of 2010 was allowed to sit. Our principal gave a speech. Then an exchange student from Ghana gave a speech that almost brought tears to my eyes. Our ASB president gave a speech, followed by our three valedictorians' speeches. Then the student selected tag team of 'Paine' and 'Swain' gave their speech. Another great one. And then Row One stood to recieve their 'diplomas'. Ha, truth be told, the secret of many graduations...they don't get the actual diploma. They get the diploma HOLDER.

A girl at our school has leukemia and hasn't attended a single class all year because she has lived past her deadline. She is a miracle and inspiration to all of us. She was given an honorary degree or something like that, and participated in graduation with us. Everyone in the stadium, and all of the graduates on the field, stood and applauded as she walked across the field to get her honorary degree. It was special. And then a girl next to her, in front of me, turned to her after and I heard her say 'And you thought no one was going to clap for you.' It was sad, and it was touching.

When my line stood up, I was extremely nervous. I saw my sister sitting in the band, making a heart shape with her hands towards me. Her friend had a camera and was taking pictures of me. I tried to spot her boyfriend in the band, but I couldn't find him. My friend Megan was in the band also, giving me two thumbs up. I stepped up to the podium, whispered how to say my name to the person reading my name, and she announced it. My aunt and my boyfriend and my cousin screamed the loudest for me, I think. I blew a kiss to all of them, and continued my walk across.

I had made it. I recieved my diploma holder, got my picture taken, and went down the line to shake hands. I hugged the Vice Principal because she had helped me along so much throughout this year. I barely made it through, but I made it.

Afterparty/Barbeque at my house. =] A friend of mine who I hadn't seen or heard from in years came. And lots of other family as well. It was a lot of fun. I got a LOT of money...haha. soon as my grandma heals from her hip surgery, she and I are going to The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter in Orlando, Florida!!! I'm super excited.

Sean, my boyfriend, and Tyanna, my friend that I hadn't seen or heard from in years, and my sister and I were the last ones up for a while, my parents had gone to bed. The four of us watched about half of The Phantom Of The Opera and then Tyanna and Sean both left around midnight because they were tired and had to drive home. It was a great day, a great night, and I am super happy and excited to be graduated class of 2010.

L0V3, N

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I'm on track to graduate now, on SATURDAY. I just have to get a paper signed off.

I'm tired because lately I've only been getting 1-3 hours of sleep a night (actually closer to a half hour to two hours a night...going to bed at about 4 and getting up at 6 or 5 and getting up at six, etc.) Last night I got 6 or 7 hours of sleep after talking to my new friend for a couple hours.

But I'm still tired.

My teacher has a class right now, so I can't go to get him to sign off that I will pass his class. I'll have to do it during the next class period...

Anyway, I'm stuck in the library right now...

Talk to all you later.

<3, N

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Update, June 10, 2010

Friend, Jackie's 18th birthday today. =] Shout out to her.

Tragedies today. Not gonna get into it.

Got my yearbook today, I'm pictured 3 times. More than ever.

Missed BOTH my college classes today.

Made cookies today!

Alyssa and I interrupted a bee threesome...awkward.....

Fun/Sad day.

Lots and lots of stress. It's 8pm and I have a ton of stuff to do. Night!

L0V3, N

PS- Sorry for the short and vague update.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


If I've made mistakes, they're my own. If I've hurt people, I'm sorry. I don't control the universe. I can't always see the truth. I can just guess. I can just hope. I can just love.

L0V3, N

Monday, June 7, 2010


So a PERSON is posting my boyfriend's facebook on my friends' formsprings. This PERSON, is trying to break Sean and I up. It's not going to work, but here are the questions and my friends' answers.

I am PISSED. And I know who you are. You need to stop. Go away, and cry in your little corner, I will NEVER be your friend again, LEAVE ME ALONE.


Hey baby, I don't care if you're gay you can still love me -ANONYMOUS
Dude, person trying to break Nikki and Sean up... GO AWAY! -zobothehobo

Yeah, that's definitely his FB, I think I know who it MIGHT have been, some bitch who is trying to break us up, but yeah, I dunno, sorry babe! -ME
Ugh, indeed a true bitchface. If they bother me again, they will face the fury of..lessbigguns! -askmebea

Dude, I think that's my boyfriend that was the FB thing...I have no idea who sent that thought...ummm, if I had FB I could find out for sure. -ME
Weirdness. -askmebea

Wow, okay, so someone I know is stalking my formspring I think and posted my boyfriend's facebook on your formspring. Sorry! I dunno, but it pisses me off, unless it was him which I don't think it was. -ME
I didn't add them, had no idea who it was! Stalker's suck! -askmebea

askmebea -ANONYMOUS
Huh? -askmebea

Sunday, June 6, 2010

You know what...?

It's about time I ranted. There's this girl. She's crazy. She is trying to break me and my boyfriend up, and she's BEEN TRYING for over a month now. She needs to give up, realize that I hate her, that I will NEVER be friends with her again, and needs to stay the hell out of my life. Okay, I'm done ranting, but I just had to say that...I'm tired of her shit, she pisses me off. I hate her.

Alright, here's the skinny. I like questions...I answer questions when I'm bored. So go ahead...send me questions.

All About PROM! =]

Saturday, June 5, 2010 - PROM - Amazing Day...And Night...And EARLY Morning...

I woke up around 9 am, and got out of bed. Went to the kitchen, ate 2 blueberry eggo waffles with juice, and worked on downloading my pictures from my camera to the computer, and deleting them off of my camera. Then I finished washing the bathroom ceiling, and headed off to clean my room. Mom called, said she was on her way home and that I should hop in the shower so when she got there we could go get nylons and make-up. So I showered and dressed and we left. Mom took me to Rite Aid and we got concealer, foundation, lipgloss, nail polish, and nylons. Then we stopped by McDonald's...I got a Mighty Kids Meal; double cheeseburger, fries, and a Sprite, she got a double cheeseburger. Then it was off to Stadium Flowers to pick up the boutenniere. I stayed in the car to finish my food, and mom went in and got it. Apparently Lindsay Fenimore was in there, I went to Elementary School with her, she hated her hair and was going to fix it, and Linda Kourdahi was there as well. FYI - Stadium Flowers = THE PLACE TO GO for flowers. Love it.

We got back home and it was time for prom preparations. Almost 2pm and Sean would be picking me up at 4:30. Mom started on my nails first. My fingernails are painted a light purple with silvery-white sparkles on top. My toenails are three different colors...well two that make three, a hot pink with a purple over it making them a medium purple, and then the big toes have a white flower decal on them. It was fun being pampered. Next was the hair. Mom made it look amazing. It was pulled mainly to the back, with natural curls, and it looked great. Next, make-up. The concealer and foundation we got was supposed to form to your natural skin color...honey, my skin color is NOT TAN! I'm a ghost. Finding make-up that matches my skin color is hell, 'cause even if you get the lightest one, I'm lighter than that. So the stuff made me look darker than I really am, but it wasn't too terribly bad. My mom made me look like a princess. she's doing my make-up, we hear a car alarm go off. I didn't think anything of it, I thought it was someone down the street. Then the phone rings, and it's Cassie telling us that he's here...'cause she knew I was nowhere near ready. He gets up to the door, and the car alarm goes off was his. He had to go back, turn it off, and when he got to the door, Tasia had to tell him to go away and come back in 1/2 an hour. She felt really bad about it, too.

Mom went to iron my dress, I went to put on nylons and jewelry. Cassie ran over to help, and Tasia, too. I thought I liked the white nylons better, but mom, Cassie, and Tasia all said that the nude ones made the shoes pop better. So I wore those. Tasia insisted on putting my earrings on for me, and as she did so she was wispering 'STAB!!' in my ear. She's such a dork...a cute dork, but a dork nonetheless. Cassie wanted to put on my necklace for me. Sean showed up again, and this time they let him in and he got to talk with my dad for a bit. Don't know what they talked about, but I hear it was a good talk. Dress time. Mom had to re-do the laces in the back because they were off center. But my dress is absolutely beautiful. It's floorlength, cinderella style, purple, strapless, and beaded on the chest. The shoes are silver and gorgeous. I have a white shawl/scarf thing that goes with it. And I got to use my grandmother's purse, that my mom used for prom as well.

Time to go. Hugs all around. But wait! The corsage and boutenniere. Sean had the easy part, just slip the corsage on my wrist. The boutenniere was hell to try to put on. Mom ended up having to do it for me, which was sad...even with verbal instructions I couldn't do it. NOW time to go. No, wait, pictures. Mom wanted pictures, of course. Then it was time to leave. Hugs all around, Lisa showed up and I gave her a hug, then they all stood around and became paparazzi while he let me in the car. I'm a princess, I'm not ALLOWED to open doors. We had a choice, either hurry dinner or be a little late to prom. I chose to be a little late to prom, because, really? Who wants to rush dinner? So we headed to Megan's house because her mom was going to take the prom photos. They (Megan and her mother) weren't home yet, so we parked around the corner. A bunch of kids came running by and I heard one shout 'why is there a guy in a suit and a lady in a dress in that car?' and they were all looking around, trying to see, I was very entertained by this all, so I decided to go out and tell them about it. I told them it was my Senior Prom, they told me I looked great, etc. I got back in the car. Then we drove up to Megan's. Again, I didn't get to open my door. I gave Megan a hug, and her mom posed us (Sean and I) for pictures. First in the front yard, then the back yard, fun ones on a swingset!! 'Flirt with the tree' - Megan. Then of course, Sean wanted to kill the tree. =P Then some inside. It was a LOT of fun, and Megan's mom wants me to model for her now, which, I think, is pretty darn awesome. Mom called when we were on our way to Megan's and told me I needed to stop by the house and grab my ID for prom, just in case.

I had noticed that we were really close to my grandma's house, so I called Grandma Laura, and asked her if we could stop in really quickly so she could see me before prom. I think she was really happy with that, and we did. Sat and chatted with her and Grandpa Jerry for a bit and then headed to my house. I picked up my ID, mom got pictures of the corsage, and then we were off to dinner at Arnie's. As soon as we got near the restaurant the sun was setting and it was gorgeous. I told Sean to pull in to the beach area so we could get pictures. I took several pictures of the sunset and then a couple of him with the sunset behind him, he took some of me with the sunset behind me and then someone was walking by and took a picture of both of us with the sunset behnd us.

When we arrived at Arnie's a table with a window view of the water had just opened up, it was perfect. Sean ordered a bottle of sparkling cider, and we shared it. I felt like a princess, the waiter always refilling my glass for me. Sean said I could have anything I wanted off the menu. The waiter was really nice, he knew everything on the menu and pointed us towards the best dishes, in his opinion. And the best ones weren't always the most expensive. I ordered a Halibut and Prawns dish and Clam Chowder. The clam chowder was delicious, and the prawns were great, the rest of the halibut dish was a bit too lemony for me, but it was good. Sean had a salmon dish that he says was very good. We left the resteraunt around 10:30, a lot later than we had planned.

Since we didn't have directions from Arnie's to Inglewood Country Club, where prom was held, we had to improvise. Reading directions upside down and backwards is no easy task, I must say. You have to read them, literally, from bottom to top, reverse the directions, left is right, right is left, etc. It's really difficult. So we got lost. Saw a couple policeman and I got out of the car to ask them for directions. Before I could really say anything, they told me to get back in the car and that he'd be with me in a moment. It was dark, there was a random guy sitting near the car, and I was a little scared. So I rolled my window back up, and the police officer came back to the car, to Sean's window. We asked him for directions, and he went back to the other police officer's car and talked with him for a bit. He came back and gave us directions. We got even more turned around trying to follow his directions, which were, incidentally, wrong. Just as I was about to give up on going to the actual dance part of prom at all, Sean took my hand and told me that no matter what we would show up, even if it was for the very last song. The moment I clasped hands with him, we found the street. We held hands for longer then, just because of that amazing instance, and found Inglewood in no time. Of course, when we got there, he'd turned off the car and I realized my window was open, so he went to turn it back on so that I could close it and...the car wouldn't start. It wouldn't turn on. I was nearly in tears. I asked him if it'd be okay if I just went in, and he said yes. As I'm walking in to prom, Ashley Aven was leaving, so I congratulated her on getting prom queen and gave her a quick hug. I got inside, and Ms. Porter was amazed I was just getting there. I gave her a quick synopsis of what had happened, and then Sean came running up to the door. I literally said 'Oh thank god.' when I saw him running over. One person at the table asked if he went to Meadowdale, I answered that he was my guest, and he went to get out his ID, but Ms. Porter waved us along, saying that he was good. She had the guest pass, and she knew him.

Ashlie Adams saw me first and gave me a hug. Then we headed to the dance floor. Blasting music and I must say, dancing that the students' parents probably would not be proud of. Finally the last song. A slow one. All My Life by K-Ci and JoJo. Sean and I danced. It was great. Completely amazing and memorable. {Yeah, I'm currently listening to the song, shut up.} So prom ended, and Alyssa and her date, Tovi, Jackie and Sean and I all wanted to do something after. Jackie ended up not being able to do anything, though. Since Tovi had an iPhone we were gonna let him lead the way. But he SUCKS at directions and has anger management issues. So as soon as we made sure Alyssa got food, we ditched. I can't stand Tovi, just saying. So Sean and I went to the Edmonds Beach, and he turned up the radio, rolled down the windows, and opened my door for me, saying 'can I have this dance?' Such a cutie. So we danced in the parkinglot of the beach until a police officer, a woman, showed up. She informed us that the park closed at 10. We apologized for our lack of knowledge to such subject, and Sean helped me into the car. But before he could get in, she told him that if we stayed a bit longer she wouldn't tell anyone. So he helped me out again, and we danced some more. Sean got me home at about 2:40 and as he opened my door, we danced to the commercials, in my driveway, and then one song. He walked me to my door, gave me a hug and a kiss, and watched me get inside.

As soon as I got inside, my dad was at the top of the stairs. He'd waited up for me. I told him the entire story of prom, and then gave him a hug. He told me to go wake up mom and tell her the same story, and I did. Getting de-prettied was a chore. I'm probably STILL a little tanner than natural. But I called Sean and chatted with him for a bit, and then I passed out around 4am. He didn't get to sleep until 5am, because he stayed up to type a note for Facebook about prom. I woke up this morning...sorry, afternoon, around 1pm.

I am extremely glad that I decided to go to Prom with Sean. I love him, and it will be an amazing memory I will treasure forever.


Well I fail...

At trying to freak you people out. Prom was yesterday, I was seeing if I could get a reaction out of you. IT WAS AMAZING! Totally screwed up and not what we planned, but it was AMAZING. <3

Finally, you people entertain me! Keep 'em comin' lovelies!! <3

Saturday, June 5, 2010


So, prom is NOT today! It's actually NEXT saturday. I don't know what I was thinking, I'm such a screwup. So, now I have to REORDER EVERYTHING, and Sean has to cancel reservations, etc. God, what a mess. I'm going back to sleep. What the heck is wrong with my brain? Too much stress I guess.

Sorry guys, you'll have to wait for prom info until NEXT week. ='[

L0V3, N

Friday, June 4, 2010


So, Prom is tomorrow! Yay! I'm excited. I have a stupid bruise now on my chest, and it WILL show with the dress I have. So I have to find a way to fix that. It's small, though, it should be okay.

So tomorrow, early, I pick up the gorgeous boutenniere (yes, I know I can't spell), get myself ready, Sean picks me up, and we go to dinner and then to prom. :] <3

L0V3, N