Monday, June 21, 2010


So, everyone, I GRADUATED!!!

I am officially ALUMNI! =]

I had so much trouble speaking after I graduated, too, it was rather entertaining. I don't remember what I was saying but instead of 'graduated' I said 'graduating'...and other stuff like that. Not like my uncle who intentionally said 'Ya! Gradiated Girl!'. Haha, I love my uncle.

So, graduation. So amazing.

I arrived at the school (our graduation was held on the football field of another high school...our schools share that field for games), and went into the gym. FILLED with students in dark blue caps and gowns. I was nervous, and I was a little sad because I was looking at all these people that I didn't know and probably wouldn't see for a very long time. I'm kind of sad that I didn't got to Grad Night, either, but I won't tell my mom that.

It came time for us to line up and nerves and excitement coursed through me. We left the gym in our two separate lines and went into our two separate locker rooms. Entering on the field together in two separate lines. I spotted a group of my family and friends watching me. Dad, Mom, Boyfriend, Aunt, Cousin, Uncle. I was actually surprised that my aunt and cousin had come on such short notice, I'd called them only two days before. And I hadn't seen either of them in YEARS. So that was great.

We walked onto the field, and stood in front of our seats. The National Anthem was played and then the class of 2010 was allowed to sit. Our principal gave a speech. Then an exchange student from Ghana gave a speech that almost brought tears to my eyes. Our ASB president gave a speech, followed by our three valedictorians' speeches. Then the student selected tag team of 'Paine' and 'Swain' gave their speech. Another great one. And then Row One stood to recieve their 'diplomas'. Ha, truth be told, the secret of many graduations...they don't get the actual diploma. They get the diploma HOLDER.

A girl at our school has leukemia and hasn't attended a single class all year because she has lived past her deadline. She is a miracle and inspiration to all of us. She was given an honorary degree or something like that, and participated in graduation with us. Everyone in the stadium, and all of the graduates on the field, stood and applauded as she walked across the field to get her honorary degree. It was special. And then a girl next to her, in front of me, turned to her after and I heard her say 'And you thought no one was going to clap for you.' It was sad, and it was touching.

When my line stood up, I was extremely nervous. I saw my sister sitting in the band, making a heart shape with her hands towards me. Her friend had a camera and was taking pictures of me. I tried to spot her boyfriend in the band, but I couldn't find him. My friend Megan was in the band also, giving me two thumbs up. I stepped up to the podium, whispered how to say my name to the person reading my name, and she announced it. My aunt and my boyfriend and my cousin screamed the loudest for me, I think. I blew a kiss to all of them, and continued my walk across.

I had made it. I recieved my diploma holder, got my picture taken, and went down the line to shake hands. I hugged the Vice Principal because she had helped me along so much throughout this year. I barely made it through, but I made it.

Afterparty/Barbeque at my house. =] A friend of mine who I hadn't seen or heard from in years came. And lots of other family as well. It was a lot of fun. I got a LOT of money...haha. soon as my grandma heals from her hip surgery, she and I are going to The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter in Orlando, Florida!!! I'm super excited.

Sean, my boyfriend, and Tyanna, my friend that I hadn't seen or heard from in years, and my sister and I were the last ones up for a while, my parents had gone to bed. The four of us watched about half of The Phantom Of The Opera and then Tyanna and Sean both left around midnight because they were tired and had to drive home. It was a great day, a great night, and I am super happy and excited to be graduated class of 2010.

L0V3, N

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