Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Post # 29

Well, I just felt like saying....I am loving my life right now.

Yes, I am failing classes.
Yes, I am NOT on track to graduate on time.
Yes, I am behind on my senior project.
Yes, I do have drama in my life.


I have you. And you know who you are, though you probably won't read this, so I'll tell everyone else who will read this (most likely no one but myself) who you are. Sean.

Sean is first and foremost, to get that out there...my boyfriend. So back off ladies, this guy is MINE.

He is a tall (very tall, YAY!), dirty blonde (dirty in the hair color, guys!!), with beautiful eyes. Sean is sensitive, sweet, caring, adorable, loving, and protective...and I could go on.

My days are brighter now, and it's all thanks to you. ♥

Alright, so I really should end this post, because I really should work on Senior Project so I can graduate ON TIME.

Write soon....no I won't promise that...

L0V3, N

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