Thursday, May 27, 2010


Okay, well.

I have the worst luck...well no, I'm just clumsy.

I have the best boyfriend...


Okay, this morning, I went to print something off of a laptop, and then my friend shows up at the door so I go to open it for her, and I trip over the laptop cord, the computer smashes to the flashdrive breaks. My ONLY vessel to get my presentation...broken. AND, my dad just bought it for me on SATURDAY. It's only Thursday. I burst into tears. How would I do my presentation?! I tried desperately to get it to work, but it's dead. Finally, my savior comes. She (was homecoming queen) comes up to me, says she can drive me home if I want to e-mail it to myself from my home computer. She is amazing! So she pretty much saved my life there.

Then I was stressing before my presentation because I hadn't practiced and I was presenting in a half hour...I called my mom and she ended up leaving me a message telling me to breathe and that she was on her way. Then I go out to listen to the message and Sean is there. Right outside the door. I attacked him with a hug, my phone went flying and broke. I am such a klutz. But he skipped his class to come see my presentation! I was so happy, I had been trying to call him to at least here him say I was gonna do great and he'd see me later, but he never answered. He came! I was so happy. But still really nervous.

My mom showed up, and my best friend, and my sister and her friend. My mom sat right in front of me. She gave me some words of advice and support before I started. Told me that if I'm an actress, I fake it until I make it. So I did. I saw tears in my mother's eyes as I opened with a monologue. It was a good presentation overall. I could have spoken longer, but I got the 19 minute marker shown so I wrapped it up quickly.

I will see if I passed soon!!!

L0V3, N

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