Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Okay, I started writing a new song...and I don't think this one I'll show Robert...too...personal.

Here goes...

And they say 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'
and absence can make the heart grow stronger
but whatever they say is bullshit
'cause absence...hasn't helped me yet.

Yeah...so that's that. Then of course there's also...

And I miss you...
until I'm with you...
then I only start missing you...
when I know I have to leave you...

Yeah, so that's it. LA.

If you can't tell...I'm a little tired of 'absence'...aka, NOT SEEING HIM. :'(


1 comment:

  1. hahaha how long have u been not seeing him?
    it has been three days for me here, is that comparable to ur case ?


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