Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Update - March 16, 2010

It's been a while since I've posted and there is a LOT that has gone on. It would have been longer before I posted, but I got a request for an update...that made me very happy, so I'm honoring that request.

Let's see. Some of you know, and some of you don't, about this website called Taylor Connect. I used to be a member there. One of my friends there is a singer and songwriter. She was getting bullied by people at school, so a group of us jumped in to support her. Then we created an 'army' of sorts. So we'd be here to support her whenever she was down, and to defend her whenever someone tries to hurt her. The army was created, and a thread posted in the OFF TOPIC section to TC. Everything was good until someone complained. Then a HUGE drama bitch fight started. To this day, it is not solved.

Basically, this is what happened:

* Army created
* Someone Complains (about the Army)
* Then I was the first person to see the complaint and jump down the person's throat.
* Then a lot more of the army got involved
* Then our artist, herself, is dragged into it.
* Feelings are hurt
* Tempers are snapped.

The mods took the side of the person who complained. And wouldn't listen to our side of the story. That's when it REALLY got heated. So heated that I blew up and got kicked off of Taylor Connect. But I'm sorry, some of the mods, one in particular, were being TOTAL BITCHES. No two ways about it. They discriminated against us. And then denied it. And were horribly RUDE to us, and then denied it...probably trying to save their asses.

So I created our artist her own forum. And it was going well, until NOW. We have a spy, so our Controversis board had to be closed. Now, not only are we fighting on TC, we're defending ourselves on OUR FORUMS, and then there's stuff being said on formspring.me, as well. It's going CRAZY.

*-*-*-* *-*-*-* *-*-*-* *-*-*-*

Now, other than drama on the internet...here's my life.

I haven't seen my boyfriend, who I love very much, in over TWO WEEKS. I haven't talked to him for FOUR DAYS. And it's painful.

My best friend's fiance was here yesterday, I got a little pissed off because they were going to ditch class...and they did.

Yesterday, I had court. (No, I didn't do anything bad.) I'm a defense attorney in the Teen Court system. (Well, normally defense.) We take real cases, with teenagers, who we know for a fact are guilty, and we decide what happens to them. It's real court...just with younger people. Last night I was Jury Foreperson, and then Judge. Interesting cases, but we are bound by confidentiality.

My sister had a birthday. That was a lot of fun.

I think that's it for updates right now...I have to be at school soon, and I think I just missed the bus...damn it.

L0V3, N


  1. :D Thanks for the update, the Teen Court sounds really interesting, they don't have those over here. I'm shortlisted for jury duty though, which is scary and exciting!

  2. OOH, my dad's on Jury Duty...I WISH I could do that...SO COOL!

  3. the dissed me too
    Parttimetaylorgroupie was kicked from Taylor Connect for no reson whatsoever!


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