Friday, March 26, 2010


First period. Law and Justice with a sub. Watching Taken and 1/2 the room was talking loudly and laughing, so finally I'm like "Guys, SHUT UP!" really loudly and this one girl, who I can't stand, goes "Yes, Sergeant." after they all shut up. Little bitch. But, hey...they shut up, so that was good.

Second period. Senior Experience. I HATE THIS CLASS. It's SO BORING! I can't stand it. The teacher bugs me, the material is boring as hell and stupid. Credit this, credit that...I DON'T CARE. I'll figure it out ON MY OWN. You know, I have an issue, honestly. Someone tells me to do something one way and I, in my rebellious nature, refuse and do it my OWN way.

On a happier note...College starts April 5th! YAY! And vacation starts tomorrow, after my audition, I believe. ♥

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