Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fun day today

So I went to school...SHOCKER. I came home. SHOCKER. I went back to school. Oh, and I had to WALK the second time, thank you very much. Ugh.

Then I'm leaving school and I hear "Nichole! ... Nichole!" And I turn and it's the assistant principal, and she's like "Pep Assembly, come on." And I'm all "I have class..." And give her this innocent, like 'I'm sorry' look. She lets me go. HA. LOVE that I'm at the college now...heck yes.

So I call absolute best friend and 'lesbian lover'. (She's like a sister to me.) And she meets up with me and is like, we're going to catch the 118...etc, etc. So we walk, and pass a bus stop. And another stop. And another. And I'm like, WHAT THE HECK?! And then we walk all the way to 7-11, to get Slurpies. But they don't have any good flavors so we leave, and go to PetSmart.

We met up with a guy friend of hers. And she introduced me as her friend who's deaf. I'm like, great...thanks. But can read lips, and can talk. See, Alyssa is fluent in ASL, and I'm getting there. So for an HOUR or so, I'm pretending to be deaf. It sucked. TRULY TRULY SUCKED...but at the same time was kind of fun.

FINALLY, I get home. Around 6pm. And.......Robert calls me! FYI - Robert is my boyfriend who I absolutely L0V3. And...I miss the call. :'( So I try calling him answer...two or three tries later...he picks up. We only got to talk for a little bit, but it was worth it. He's in another state right now for a race, and won't be back until LATE Sunday, is Wednesday. So it's a little depressing. But oh well, I'll get to see him sometime next week, probably.

So yeah, that was my day. I'm tired, and have a sore throat, but oh well...

L0V3, N


  1. Haha, that deaf thing is so funny. One of my friends pretended to be French once when someone tried to annoy her at school. Very funny. Good times.

  2. It was entertaining. I've pretended to be french, but the lady I was talking to got all mad at me. <3


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