Friday, March 26, 2010

Update as of March 24, 2010

Hello lovelies!

So, since it's been a while, I thought I'd update.

Monday sucked. Boyfriend grounded, Best friend sick, Fish died, Stepped on and broke glass...bad day overall. Ended up breaking down crying after school and then going to sleep until 7 when my dad got home and asked me what was wrong. Oh, and then we were having fish for dinner and mine tasted like dirt. And ONLY mine tasted was horrible. So, bad day, end of story.

Tuesday. Tuesday was great. WEll, the beginning wasn't so good, but the afternoon was fabulous. Robert called me at one point, basically to tell me he loves me and apologize for not being able to call very often. So sweet, it made me SO happy. Brightened my day by tons. ♥ After that, I went out and mowed the front lawn, it was just a sunny nice day! And THEN the greatest part of it all. My mom calls. She got me an audition. I'm not going to say much more on it, but it was VERY exciting. Saturday at 10AM. I was screaming with excitement. So then...hmm. Basically not much else happened. My daddy bought me Arby's for dinner...yum. And then we watched LOST. So it was a great day. ♥

Today, currently I'm sitting in Law&Justice. I love this class. But I thought I'd draft up an update for you. So that's it for now!

L0V3, N ♥

PS- That was as of yesterday, written out on a piece of notebook paper.

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