Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Today wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible either.

1st period - finished watching Mrs. Doubtfire...L0V3!!!

Then off to Improv with Alyssa...more fun...

5th period - M0N0P0LY!!! Heck yes, Alyssa and I TOTALLY DOMINATED.

Then after school things got more complicated. Went to the mall, returned the shirt I got for my sister because she already has the exact one. Bought myself a black jacket...then ran out of more money out of the bank...after I'd bitched out Alyssa...reasons not to be shared.

Talked to Robert for about an hour...don't get to see him.

I'm upset, I feel like crying, and for about a 1/2 hour, I was scared for my life.

K, that's all.

L0V3, N


  1. Aww, hope you've cheered up sweetie x The best thing about a bad day is it doesn't take much for the next day to be better.

  2. Thanks, but today is NOT better. What with Bea's Army discrimination and whatnot. If you don't see me on the's probably because I've either left of been banned.


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