Friday, March 5, 2010

A Performer's L!F3 for M3....

Okay, well...about a two or three months ago, I decided to really put myself into action. I wanted to act. To be on stage. So I decided I was going to audition for anything I could.

Nickel and Dimed came along. I auditioned. I didn't get a part, but I did get the opportunity to work backstage as Assistant Stage Manager. It was amazing and I loved it. That recently ended, and overlapping that was auditions for Bye Bye Birdie at my high school. I auditioned. Got THREE parts. Small, but that's better than none. Today's rehearsal was great, got our first dance number choreographed.

Then I remembered, Rocky Horror auditions! So I looked them up. The auditions are NEXT WEEK! So then I start panicking. Should I do it? Should I not? Well, I figure, Rocky rehearsals are from 6pm-9pm, and start April 5th. The performances are May 13-22. Bye Bye Birdie rehearsals are only Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 2-4:30pm...and our final show is April 30th.

Then I remember. My senior project. Directing a play of my own.

Can I do it all?

Should I do it all?

On top of that, I have to pass all my classes.

Will I be able to do it?

Am I strong enough to handle it?

Will my parents put up with it?

Then I think...this is the L!F3 I wanted. This is what I want to DO.

What do you think. Should I go for it?

L0V3, N

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